Manage all access points with one key-less process.

Centralised scheduling and access management.

Connected to TMD’s intelligent lock solutions via the mobile app.

Remotely manage all your access points and users in real-time.

Single view dashboard and audit trail.

The New World

We designed High Security Access Management to unlock:

Significant operational cost savings

Business Benefits

Significant annual cost savings

One key-less process for all access points improves efficiency and productivity for service engineers, CIT personnel and branch staff.

  • No need to pay for key-holders to accompany service engineers and facilities management personnel.
  • No wasted travel costs to pick up and drop off keys at key centres.
  • No wasted time due to lost or broken keys.
  • No need for CIT personnel to call into a call centre to receive OTCs or give close seals.
  • No risk of false alarms and expensive call outs due to human error when deactivating alarms.


Physical keys are replaced with One Time Codes and secure mobile app. Real-time audit trail and alerts.

  • No risk of physical keys being lost or stolen. Physical keys are replaced with a secure mobile app and OTCs.
  • No risk of unauthorised access. Users and schedules are managed centrally.
  • No risk of locks and doors being left open. The management application generates an alert if a close seal has not been generated because the lock and the door have not been closed.
  • No risk of alarms being left off after access. The alarm switch can be integrated into the access schedule.

Centrally managed access

Pre-approved schedules and user permissions ensure the right person is at the correct location at the approved time.

  • User-friendly application for scheduling access, logging lock, user and mobile IDs and permissions.
  • Dashboard showing real-time lock and ATM security status.
  • Instant insight into unscheduled events and security risks.
  • Remote deactivation and activation of users with no need to physically visit the location.
  • Secure, third-party access for service partners.
  • Real-time audit trail.


Eliminating physical keys significantly reduces carbon footprint.

  • No need to travel to pick up and drop off keys or provide key-holder services.
  • No need for keyholders to waste fuel travelling to and from service engineer call-outs.

Increased ATM availability

Fast access for FLM, SLM, CIT and Facilities Management reduces ATM down time and improves customer service.

  • No need to schedule key-holder visits for service calls and maintenance. Service engineers can save time and get the ATM up and running again fast.

Health & Safety

The welfare of members of staff has never been more important. Key-less access management brings numerous benefits.

  • No need to handle physical keys.
  • No need for staff to visit key centres.
  • No need for keyholders to accompany engineers at service visits.
  • ‘Invisible’ duress features built into the access management system protect users.

Calculate your potential
cost savings

Discover the cost savings you can achieve with TMD Access Management.

Discover cost savings and benefits

Request the whitepaper

Insight from our global survey: Customers and partners share their experiences of today’s challenges and views on why the ATM industry needs a key-less access solution.

Request a case study

Bank in

This case study uncovers numerous benefits from eliminating physical keys:

  • Substantial productivity
  • Operational cost savings.
  • Carbon footprint reduction.
  • Better health and safety.
  • Increased ATM availability.
  • Improved security.

Bank in Middle East

Highlights from this

  • CIT processes are much more efficient and secure by removing manual codes and physical keys.
  • Successful deployment of TMD’s Safe Lock and integrated Alarm Switch.
  • Additional savings achievable from using TMD’s ATM Top Box locks.

Bank in

Independent consultants revealed numerous benefits:

  • Cost savings, security and improved
    customer service.
  • Successful deployment of TMD’s Safe Lock and integrated Alarm Switch.
  • CIT, SLM and Facilities Management
    efficiency and productivity
Deloitte Business Case

Request a business case

Contact us if you would like your organisation to be considered for a complimentary and confidential business case. Independent black belt consultants will calculate the cost savings and benefits you could achieve.

Special features

What makes TMD High Security Access Management unique?

One key-less process for all access points

Locks for ATM safe, top box, cabinets and doors can all be opened with the same mobile app.

One Touch Access™ Security

Open all locks with One Touch Mobile App. User credentials and schedule are instantly validated. Fast OTC access. 

Instant security checks

Instant Security Checks

The encrypted OTC is randomly generated and sent to the lock when all the credentials have been checked.

Secure audit trail

All events are monitored and recorded centrally.

Security Audit

Real-time remote management

Users and schedules are centrally managed. Users can be added and removed remotely.


Real time alerts via the dashboard or sent via the app or SMS.


Proximity access only

The authorised user must be in close proximity of the lock before the encrypted OTC is sent.

TMD Proximity Access Only

Shared access for partners

The Access Management system can be securely divided between the primary user/deployer and their third party service providers.

Intelligent Close Seal Technology

Close seals are generated only when both the lock and the door are completely closed

Intelligent Close Seal Technology

Single or dual
access mode


If the lock close seal has not been generated, a request is sent via the mobile app or SMS to return to complete the process.


i-photo lock technology (ILT©)

A live photo of the closed lock and door can be requested for the audit trail.

This photograph is date and time stamped, with the lock and user IDs.

Access management

TMD’s trusted hosting partners include the largest all-in-one IT infrastructure suppliers for the highest quality, protected internet infrastructure services.

Access management

TMD’s trusted hosting partners include the largest all-in-one IT infrastructure suppliers for the highest quality, protected internet infrastructure services.

Software penetration tested by


Management application, mobile app, API interface and Bluetooth communications tested and certified by Redscan UK.

Perfect for any industry

TMD Access Management is perfect for the high security requirements of the ATM and Banking industries; also Energy, Transportation, Facilities Management sectors and more.

Industry Banking
Industry Development
Industry IT
TMD iPhone OneTouch
Industry Green Energy
Industry Telecom

More information

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Deloitte Business Case
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